Friday, 3 February 2012

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups? - Van Helsing

Here is my question 2, where i will be answering the question: how does your media product represent particular social groups? I will be analysing 2 video's i have up loaded and a test shot of my actor in relation to age/race and genre.

We got ideas about representation from the video below in terms of how they use stereotypes to engage the audience.  We have been directly influenced as we have included in our film a female victim.  This  follows the stereotype as females are seen as more weak and vulnerable.

Here is another video i have uploaded from my sub genre, which i will analyse in relation to age/gender and race.

Here all off the threats you can see are mainly males such as Dracula, the werewolves, and frankinstein, these follow sterotypes, as it is normally males seen as the threats, however it does challenge it as there are 3 woman vampires, however you could see it as it doesn't as they aren't the main vampire, as the main vampire is male (Dracula). Van Helsing who is male also follow the stereotype as he is the one that kills them and hunts them as a strong man, and men are normally seen as the ones that kill the threat, however he does have help who is a women and she kills a vampire which challenges the stereotype as she is strong and such. They are all adults, which are normally used in a vampire film. Also The cast is pretty much all white, so that doesn't challenge the stereotype of having the main characters as white.

We chose her as our actor, as she will be the main character as a victim and the main vampire throughout of film, which challenges existing conventions, as usually the main vampire character is male, such as Dracula in van helsing and the film dracula and edward in twilight, so we wanted to be different and challenge it and have a female as our main character. Also she will be a good victim as is a woman and seen as more vulnerable, which follows existing conventions, as otherwise, people won't be as scared for her when they watch it, so won't crete enough fear. She also has an innocent look which will soon change once she becomes a vampire.

Audience feedback 

The audience feedback was good they thought we represented age/gender and race well. 

Here are some screen grabs that establishes social group representations, which in ours is a normal teenages girl on her phone walking along the street and also her just walking down a normal jiti(path) that a lot of teenagers normally use on a day to day bases. This is similar to twilight where bella is a normal teenager as seen in the picture below, as she is in high school with her friend.  

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